#154: Intuitively Plan Your Brand in 2025 with a Pinterest & Journaling Practice
Are you ready to change something up in your existing business or BEGIN a new business or brand that honors your uniqueness, your natural rhythms, creativity and genius...but you’re in that exploratory stage?
Then this vision board exercise I'm sharing in this episode that leverages Pinterest paired with a journal practice could be a fun a way to explore all of those things!
This episode is also for you if you’re looking for new ways to market your existing business or future business or brand away from social media, (which can often feel like a hustle) to successfully create optimization there and keep you caught in a constant-content-creation-loop.
In this episode, your host Christina Barsi will break down:
- The basics of Pinterest.
- Why Pinterest is a search engine & NOT a social media platform.
- How to use Pinterest as a vision board tool.
- How to collect resources to take natural next steps in your business using Pinterest.
- How this exercise will set you up for intuitively marketing your business when you're ready.
*Barsi's Pinterest Business Account: @bossgoddessbarsi
*Take the Self-Attunement Audio Course: Embody Your Vision
More useful episodes:
- 3 Tips To Transform Your Day From Defeat To Complete
- BEGIN SERIES: How To Connect To Your Inner Compass
- Seven Questions To Unearth Your TRUEST Path Ep.115
Visit: Boss-Goddess.co
**Pinterest: @bossgoddessbarsi
Instagram: @boss_goddess.co
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Mentioned in this episode: